
As December nears it's frozen, dark and dismal end, the first official snowfall has happened in the form of a blizzard, no less, I'm reminded that I have, another year in a row, failed to keep track (or at least online track) of all of the movies I have seen.  In order to start the New Year off with as much of a clean slate as possible, I'm going to attempt to put those movies I have seen in 2011 in some sort of order.  This will be a work in progress until I've seen the rest of the movies, or at least the noteworthy movies that have come out in 2010, but it's a good starting point.  While my Top 10 might still be in flux, one thing is certain: Congratulations Benicio Del Toro, The Wolfman is still the worst movie I've seen in theaters this year!

5 out of 5:

2-The Social Network
3-Black Swan
4-Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows
5-True Grit
6-Date Night

4 out of 5:

8-The Town
9-The Fighter
10-Toy Story 3
11-127 Hours
12-Red Riding-1974
13-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
14-The King's Speech
15-Shutter Island
16-Scott Pilgrim V. The World
18-Animal Kingdom

3 out of 5:

20-Robin Hood
21-The Kids are All Right
22-Diary of a Wimpy Kid
23-How to Train Your Dragon
24-Despicable Me
26-Piranha 3D
27-Iron Man 2
32-Knight and Day
33-A Nightmare on Elm Street

2 out of 5:

34-Clash of the Titans
35-Step Up 3D
37-Valentine's Day
38-Prince of Persia

1 out of 5:

39-The Wolfman
